Commemorating a victory that set the Patriot's on their road to football dynasty, this marvelously crafted ring is a collector's dream. Two 3% CT football shaped diamonds adorn the Lombardi Trophies standing behind a Patriots logo surrounded by 32 diamonds, one for each NFL team finished with tapered baguettes on the side. The diamonds on the trophies were extremely difficult to craft and Josten's, the maker of the ring, lost a significant amount of money making the ring because of it.
This was only Bill Bellicheck's fourth season and it started with some controversy and doubts regarding his abilities. These doubts were quickly laid to rest as the team clinched a first round bye in the playoffs and embarrassed Peyton Manning's Colts by intercepting him 4 times in the AFC Championship. Super Bowl 38 is widely regarded as one of the most exciting NFL championships with Sports lllustrated's Peter King describing it as "The Greatest Super Bowl of all time." Both teams combined for 868 vards and 61 points, with 37 scored in the 4th guarter. a Super Bowl record. Patriots kicker Adam Vinatieri sealed the 32-29 victory for New England with a 4l yard field goal made with only 4 seconds left.
This ring is a size 12 and belonged to a player who started in multiple games during the regular season.